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Submissions by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Suppliers are advised to closing date and hour stated in the Quotation Notice and the onus shall be on the Supplier to obtain Service, for the period 1st April. to 31st March No.
Ramona Sukhraj. August 14th, min read. With the average human attention span shorter than that of a goldfish, inbound marketing is a lot like speed dating . When prospects get in front of you or in this case, arrive on your website , you have to tell them everything you offer quickly while you have their attention, or else the bell will ring and they’ll be off to the next option before you get the chance. Talk about a missed connection. What is a Value Proposition?
A truly great value proposition is a statement that paints a clear picture of what your brand has to offer for prospects. That’s why it is so important to have a powerful one. With that in mind, here are 31 value proposition examples that as Derek Zoolander would say are really, really, ridiculously effective. This statement is also aided cleverly by the image of two cell phones, each highlighting a different, well-known Stripe customer. Three little words. It’s simple, direct, and bold.